Monday, August 27, 2012

It All Starts Here ~ We All Need a Philosophy to be Philosophical About Something

As I begin my endeavor to obtain dual Master Degrees in Teaching (Special Education) and Theology I want to digress a little. The current state of our educational system is that it is a great system founded on solid principles deluded by illusions of grandeur.  We've lost sight of what's important. I reflect back on the theory of education employed by John Dewey. Dewey wanted, and so do I an educational system that is allows our students autonomy with time to explore, learn, and solve. The focus of students in the classroom should be on community and society as a whole. How can what we do in the classroom make where we live a better place? That is my goal to discover. The university is my playground.  Let me begin my blog with my philosophy on education:

The purpose of education is to teach, train, and nurture children to want to become enlightened adults.  It is my desire to invigorate the minds of young people through motivation by building on achieved success, accepting children where they are, and pushing them past their potential.  I intend to create and implement strategies that are adequate for meeting the needs of the community of the 21st century.  My desire is to work in an urban public school setting where my mission aligns with the school district's mission.  It takes a special person to work with children whose needs are immediate and serious.  Children need to know and understand the trust between student and teacher.  I understand that there is no one answer to all of educations' problems.  I also realize that meeting students where they are is critical in maintaining an educational equilibrium.  Children expect adults to provide them with guidelines for appropriate classroom behavior and to enforce fair, impartial, and equitable distribution of those guidelines.  It is my responsibility to demonstrate ethics that mirror the expectations of the students I teach.  I must be diligent in keeping myself trained on the latest developments in educating the whole child.  I intend to solve problems with persistence, patience, and understanding.  I am a part of the community solution.

If you know a child who is being educated, you decide if they've been trained.  Measure they willingness to be involved in their community and if they had fun in school.  Then you'll know they learned.


All Rights Reserved ©, Please Request Permission To Duplicate. Belinda Harrett, University of the Cumberlands.

I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit. John Steinbeck

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. We have come a long way from Ms. Crystal's kindergarten's class.
